Time Machine Whispers, Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections
Time Machine Whispers
As part of Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections, artists Deborah Aguirre Jones and Caroline Stealey made a Time Machine from an old suitcase and, along with a poster, they took it into construction company Laing O’Rourke’s canteen, the Clinical Futures Champions Conference and The Llanfrechfa Walled Garden Open Days. They invited people to imagine being inside the Grange University Hospital 10 years in the future. What would they want to whisper in the ear of a patient, visitor, surgeon, nurse or cleaner?
Time Machine Whispers encouraged more than 150 people to travel through time in their imaginations and share their whispered messages. The wide-ranging messages expressed encouragement and gratitude to NHS staff. They connected with patients who may find themselves at the hospital and shared stories about the experience of building the Grange. These have been printed on plaques and discreetly installed throughout the hospital, in places where staff know they will be appreciated.
Never forget your calling. You are amazing.
As I lay there I could hear your kind words. I couldn’t say thank you, but I was thinking it. Your kindness doesn’t go unnoticed.
Stick with it but remember to have time for yourself.
The hospital is nothing without you.
Fel rhan o Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections, creodd yr artistiaid Deborah Aguirre Jones a Caroline Stealey beiriant amser o hen gês ac, ynghyd â phoster, aethant ag ef i ffreutur y cwmni adeiladu Laing O'Rourke, Cynhadledd Hyrwyddwyr Dyfodol Clinigol a Diwrnodau Agored Gardd Furiog Llanfrechfa. Gofynnwyd i bobl ddychmygu eu bod yn Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor ymhen 10 mlynedd. Beth fydden nhw’n ei sibrwd yng nghlust claf, ymwelydd, llawfeddyg, nyrs neu lanhawr?
Anogodd Time Machine Whispers fwy na 150 o bobl i deithio trwy amser yn eu dychymyg a rhannu’r negeseuon a sibrydwyd. Roedd y negeseuon amrywiol yn mynegi anogaeth a diolch i staff y GIG. Cysylltwyd â chleifion a allai fod yn yr ysbyty yn y dyfodol a rhanwyd straeon am y profiad o adeiladu Ysbyty’r Faenor. Cafodd y rhain eu hargraffu ar blaciau a'u gosod yn synhwyrol ledled yr ysbyty, mewn mannau lle mae’r staff yn gwybod y cânt eu gwerthfawrogi.
Peidiwch byth ag anghofio eich galwedigaeth. Rydych chi'n anhygoel.
Wrth i mi orwedd yno roeddwn yn gallu clywed eich geiriau caredig. Nid oeddwn yn gallu dweud diolch, ond dyna roeddwn i'n ei feddwl. Nid yw eich caredigrwydd yn cael ei anwybyddu.
Daliwch ati ond cofiwch fod angen amser arnoch chi'ch hun.
Nid yw'r ysbyty yn ddim hebddoch chi.
About the artist | Yr artist
Deborah Aguirre Jones is a socially engaged artist who enjoys making work with other people because of the surprises, meaningfulness and sheer sociability of the processes and the resulting artworks.
Deborah works as part of Davis & Jones. Deborah Aguirre Jones and El Davis have been collaborating for more than 10 years as socially engaged artists interested in the everyday and extraordinary. They interact with, and gently interrupt, the social and physical contexts in which they work, collaboratively creating events, publications, digital and physical and artworks to explore how we connect with places and each other.
Artist Caroline Stealey has worked alongside Deborah throughout Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections. Caroline is a multidisciplinary artist who now lives near Chepstow in the Monmouthshire countryside. Influenced by place, nature and historical events, she uses mainly textiles to create both 2D and 3D pieces. To learn more about their collaboration please visit https://gofalugrange.co.uk/
Mae Deborah Aguirre Jones yn artist sy'n ymgysylltu'n gymdeithasol ac sy'n mwynhau creu gwaith â phobl arall oherwydd yr elfennau annisgwyl, ystyrlon a chymdeithasol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r prosesau a'r gweithiau celf sy’n deillio o hynny.
Mae Deborah yn gweithio fel rhan o Davis & Jones. Mae Deborah Aguirre Jones ac El Davis wedi bod yn cydweithio am fwy na 10 mlynedd fel artistiaid sy'n ymgysylltu'n gymdeithasol a chanddynt ddiddordeb mewn pethau cyffredin a phethau hynod. Maent yn rhyngweithio â'r cyd-destunau cymdeithasol a ffisegol y maent yn gweithio ynddynt, ac yn tarfu’n ysgafn arnynt, gan greu digwyddiadau, cyhoeddiadau, digidol a chorfforol a gweithiau celf i archwilio sut rydym yn cysylltu â lleoedd a'n gilydd.
Mae’r artist Caroline Stealey wedi gweithio ochr yn ochr â Deborah ar Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections drwyddi draw. Mae Caroline yn artist amlddisgyblaethol sydd bellach yn byw ger Cas-gwent yng nghefn gwlad Sir Fynwy. Wedi'i dylanwadu gan le, natur a digwyddiadau hanesyddol, mae hi'n defnyddio tecstilau yn bennaf i greu darnau 2D a 3D. I ddysgu mwy am y cydweithrediad ewch i https://gofalugrange.co.uk/