Ieuan Berry, A Breath of Fresh Air


A Breath of Fresh Air


For the respiratory ward, photographic works of local landscapes which have recovered from their coal-mining were collected from Newport-based photographer Ieuan Berry. Conscious that these areas have been visually re-shaped because of changing energy needs, Ieuan undertook the commission with the aim of making it carbon neutral. He used an electric bike to visit the locations and powered the camera equipment with green energy. Ieuan said: “I hope that those who cannot visit and experience these locations can hopefully find pleasure from viewing them.”

Ar gyfer y ward resbiradol, casglwyd gweithiau ffotograffig o dirweddau lleol sydd wedi’u hadfer ers dyddiau’r pyllau glo gan y ffotograffydd o Gasnewydd, Ieuan Berry. Ac yntau’n ymwybodol bod yr ardaloedd hyn wedi’u hail-lunio'n weledol oherwydd anghenion ynni newidiol, ymgymerodd Ieuan â'r comisiwn â'r nod o'i gyflawni’n garbon niwtral. Defnyddiodd feic trydan i ymweld â'r lleoliadau a phwerwyd yr offer camera ag ynni gwyrdd. Meddai Ieuan: “Rwy’n gobeithio y gall y rheini na all ymweld â’r lleoliadau hyn a’u profi’n bersonol gael pleser o edrych ar y ffotograffau.”


About the artist | Yr artist

Ieuan Berry lives in Newport. An experienced photographer, who as a teenager was given the job of photographing the 2014 Nato summit for its official Twitter and Instagram accounts, Ieuan studied documentary photography at the University of South Wales.

Mae Ieuan Berry yn byw yng Nghasnewydd. Mae’n ffotograffydd profiadol, a gafodd y gwaith yn ei arddegau o dynnu lluniau uwchgynhadledd NATO yn 2014 ar gyfer cyfrifon Twitter ac Instagram swyddogol. Astudiodd Ieuan ffotograffiaeth ddogfennol ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru.


Time Machine Whispers, Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections


Arts for Wellbeing: A mentoring project with the University of South Wales | Arts for Wellbeing: Prosiect mentora gyda Phrifysgol De Cymru