Arts for Wellbeing: A mentoring project with the University of South Wales | Arts for Wellbeing: Prosiect mentora gyda Phrifysgol De Cymru


Arts for Wellbeing


Arts for Wellbeing is a collaboration between Studio Response, the arts, health and wellbeing charity, Gwent Arts in Health (Garth), and the University of South Wales (USW). Second-year BA (Hons) creative and therapeutic arts students as part of their degree were invited to creatively explore diverse, and perhaps overlooked, staff roles within the NHS. Over two years, the group was mentored to develop new artworks and their wider creative professional practice.

Six artworks were selected to be installed in the corridor leading to the critical care unit. Each image sensitively highlights the many different qualities of our NHS. Drawing on lived experiences and stories gathered from NHS staff, the commissioned artists – Chloe Withers, Kelly Havard Jones, Bryony Crabbe, Sue Hosler, Louise Westgarth and Lowri Feild – explored kindness, hidden care, identity, creativity in adversity, strength and the healing power of nature. Anna Billes was also commissioned to deliver art and music workshops supported by Davis & Jones of Gofalu Grange. 

Commissioned student Sue Hosler said: “This project helped me to appreciate that there is a natural synergy between art and medicine, especially when it comes to happiness and wellbeing. I feel very proud that this artwork is now on display at the Grange Hospital, especially as it reflects the creativity of the hospital patients who made art with me.”

Prosiect cydweithredol rhwng Studio Response, yr elusen celfyddydau, iechyd a llesiant, Gwent Arts in Health (Garth), a Phrifysgol De Cymru (PDC) yw Arts for Wellbeing. Fel rhan o'u gradd, gwahoddwyd myfyrwyr ail flwyddyn y cwrs BA (Anrh) mewn celfyddydau creadigol a therapiwtig i ymchwilio'n greadigol i rolau staff amrywiol, sydd o bosibl yn cael eu hanwybyddu, yn y GIG. Dros gyfnod o ddwy flynedd, cafodd y grŵp ei fentora i ddatblygu gweithiau celf newydd a'u hymarfer proffesiynol creadigol ehangach.

Dewiswyd chwe gwaith celf i'w gosod yn y coridor sy'n arwain at yr uned gofal critigol. Mae pob delwedd yn rhoi sylw sensitif i rinweddau niferus ein gwasanaeth iechyd. Gan dynnu ar brofiadau byw a straeon a gasglwyd gan staff y GIG, ymchwiliodd yr artistiaid a gomisiynwyd - Chloe Withers, Kelly Havard Jones, Bryony Crabbe, Sue Hosler, Louise Westgarth a Lowri Feild - i garedigrwydd, gofal cudd, hunaniaeth, creadigrwydd mewn adfyd, cryfder a grym iachaol natur. Comisiynwyd Anna Billes hefyd i gynnal gweithdai celf a cherddoriaeth gyda chefnogaeth Davis & Jones o Gofalu Grange.

Dywedodd un o'r myfrywr a gomisiynwyd, Sue Hosler: “Fe wnaeth y prosiect hwn fy helpu i werthfawrogi bod synergedd naturiol rhwng celf a meddygaeth, yn enwedig o ran hapusrwydd a llesiant. Rwy'n teimlo'n falch iawn bod y gwaith celf hwn bellach yn cael ei arddangos yn Ysbyty'r Faenor, yn enwedig gan ei fod yn adlewyrchu creadigrwydd cleifion yr ysbyty a wnaeth greu gwaith celf gyda mi.”

Heloise Godfrey-Talbot, lecturer in creative and therapeutic studies at USW, added: “It has been wonderful to see our students grow in confidence and as artists through the mentoring they have received on this project. Each of the commissioned artworks offers staff, patients and visitors who pass by an intriguing invitation into another world.”

Emma Price, Studio Response co-director said of the project: “We were keen to establish ways for the Grange Arts Programme to deliver mentoring and professional development. We believe that emerging artists and creative practitioners can benefit from formal programmes of mentoring on ‘live briefs’ in partnership with industry partners. It has been a huge privilege for Studio Response to engage sincerely with students in a meaningful way and to contribute in part to their educational journey in art, health and wellbeing. Our aim was to provide a professional perspective on the critical and curatorial components of working in healthcare environments and to award seven artists the opportunity to permanently display their work at the Grange University Hospital. We’d like to thank USW BA (Hons) creative and therapeutic arts staff and students and Garth for their support with this project.”

Ychwanegodd Heloise Godfrey-Talbot, darlithydd mewn astudiaethau creadigol a therapiwtig yn PDC: “Mae wedi bod yn hyfryd gweld hyder ein myfyrwyr yn cynyddu a'u gweld yn datblygu fel artistiaid drwy'r cymorth mentora maen nhw wedi'i gael fel rhan o'r prosiect hwn. Mae pob un o’r gweithiau celf a gomisiynwyd yn estyn gwahoddiad diddorol i staff, cleifion ac ymwelwyr sy’n pasio heibio i gamu i fyd arall.”

Meddai Emma Price, cyd-gyfarwyddwr Studio Response: “Roeddem yn awyddus i sefydlu ffyrdd i Raglen Gelfyddydau'r Faenor ddarparu cymorth mentora a datblygiad proffesiynol. Credwn y gall artistiaid ac ymarferwyr creadigol sy'n dod i'r amlwg elwa o raglenni mentora ffurfiol ar 'friff byw' mewn partneriaeth â'r rhai sy'n ymwneud â diwydiant. Mae wedi bod yn fraint fawr i Studio Response ymgysylltu'n ddiffuant â myfyrwyr mewn ffordd ystyrlon a chyfrannu'n rhannol at eu taith addysgol mewn celf, iechyd a llesiant. Ein nod oedd darparu persbectif proffesiynol ar elfennau cysyniadol a churadurol gweithio mewn amgylcheddau gofal iechyd a rhoi cyfle i saith artist arddangos eu gwaith yn barhaol yn Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor. Hoffem ddiolch i staff a myfyrwyr BA (Anrh) mewn celfyddydau creadigol a therapiwtig PDC a Garth am eu cymorth gyda'r prosiect hwn.”


About the artist | Yr artist

The BA (Hons) creative and therapeutic arts degree explores the links between creativity and wellbeing through creative, theoretical and practical methods.

Participating students and/or alumni: Chloe Withers, Kelly Havard Jones, Bryony Crabbe, Sue Hosler, Louise Westgarth, Lowri Feild, Anna Billes.

Mae'r Radd BA (Anrh) mewn celfyddydau creadigol a therapiwtig yn archwilio'r cysylltiadau rhwng creadigrwydd a llesiant drwy ddulliau creadigol, damcaniaethol ac ymarferol.

Y myfyrwyr sy'n cymryd rhan a/neu'r cyn-fyfyrwyr: Chloe Withers, Kelly Havard Jones, Bryony Crabbe, Sue Hosler, Louise Westgarth, Lowri Feild, Anna Billes.


Ieuan Berry, A Breath of Fresh Air


Steph Lord (Captivate Gallery | Oriel Captivate), Arctic Air