yello brick, Hidden Valley: an interactive artwork
Hidden Valley: An interactive artwork
Hidden Valley is an interactive story world created for Children’s Emergency Assessment at The Grange University Hospital.
Hidden Valley is a physical and digital artwork, which unfolds in different spaces within the hospital. The main artwork is in the children’s waiting room, where it creates a welcoming and engaging environment. You can explore a town full of imagination, ingenuity and invention – those with a keen eye and sense of play can search for the ten characters and objects located within the artwork.
Visitors can discover even more through the artwork’s digital layer: an interactive comic book that brings many of the characters from Hidden Valley to life through story and animation. It is easily accessed via the QR code within the artwork or via this weblink on any mobile device.
‘We hope that both the physical artworks and digital comic book will provide a playful distraction and welcoming environment that will have a positive impact on the young people and playfully minded who visit the hospital.”
– yello brick
Pharmacy manager and principal pharmacist at the Grange, Leeanne Lewis, on attending the Emergency Department with her son:
“Working in the hospital you sometimes take the art for granted. It wasn’t until my five-year-old son had to attend the Children's Emergency Assessment Unit after a fall, that I realised the positive impact the artwork has. With a nervous five-year-old beside me, the drawings were the first thing he noticed. As he followed the pictures and stories around the department, it allowed me to gently coax him through the door and into a bay. He was fascinated and it made his hospital stay much more pleasant. After attending the Children's Emergency Assessment Unit, my little boy loved the artwork so much we had to look up the artist online. The webpage had all the comic stories available. As they are interactive with such vivid characters we continue to watch and read them now. This made his emergency attendance at the hospital memorable for the right reasons.”
Byd stori rhyngweithiol yw Cwm Cudd a grëwyd ar gyfer yr adran Asesiad Brys Plant yn Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor.
Mae Cwm Cudd yn waith celf ffisegol a digidol, sy'n datblygu mewn gwahanol rannau o'r ysbyty. Mae'r prif waith celf yn yr ystafell aros i blant, lle mae'n creu amgylchedd croesawgar sy'n ennyn diddordeb. Gallwch archwilio tref sy'n llawn dychymyg a dyfeisgarwch - gall y rhai â llygaid craff a natur chwareus chwilio am y deg cymeriad a gwrthrych sy'n cuddio yn y gwaith celf.
Gall ymwelwyr ddarganfod mwy fyth drwy haen ddigidol y gwaith celf: llyfr comig rhyngweithiol sy'n dod â llawer o gymeriadau'r Cwm Cudd yn fyw drwy stori ac animeiddio. Mae ar gael yn gyfleus drwy'r cod QR o fewn y gwaith celf neu drwy'r ddolen we hon.
‘Gobeithiwn y bydd y gweithiau celf ffisegol a'r llyfr comig digidol yn darparu amgylchedd chwareus a chroesawgar a fydd yn dal sylw'r plant ac yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar y bobl ifanc a'r rhai chwareus sy'n ymweld â'r ysbyty.'
– yello brick
Rheolwr y fferyllfa a phrif fferyllydd Ysbyty’r Faenor, Leeanne Lewis, wrth fynychu'r Adran Achosion Brys â'i mab:
“Wrth weithio yn yr ysbyty rydych weithiau'n cymryd y gwaith celf yn ganiataol. Dim ond ar ôl i fy mab pump oed orfod mynychu'r Uned Asesu Brys i Blant ar ôl cwympo, y gwnes i ddeall yr effaith gadarnhaol y mae'r gwaith celf yn ei gael. Gyda phlentyn bach pump oed nerfus wrth fy ochr, y lluniau oedd y peth cyntaf iddo sylwi arnyn nhw. Wrth iddo ddilyn y lluniau a'r straeon o amgylch yr adran, fe adawodd i mi ei ddenu gan bwyll trwy'r drws ac i mewn i fae. Roedd wedi’i swyno ac roedd ei arhosiad yn yr ysbyty yn llawer mwy dymunol o’r herwydd. Ar ôl mynychu'r Uned Asesu Brys i Blant, roedd fy machgen bach wrth ei fodd gymaint â'r gwaith celf roedd yn rhaid i ni chwilio am yr artist ar-lein. Roedd yr holl straeon comig ar gael ar y dudalen we. Gan eu bod yn rhyngweithiol â chymeriadau mor fyw rydym yn dal i'w gwylio a'u darllen nawr. O ganlyniad roedd ei bresenoldeb brys yn yr ysbyty yn gofiadwy am y rhesymau cywir.”
“The site-specific artworks are playful vistas and provide visual engagement for children and young people who at a time of pain, stress and high anxiety have an environment that can positively impact on their treatment journey, experience and recovery”
About the artist | Yr artist
Hidden Valley was produced by yello brick in collaboration with Matt Joyce and Hoffi.
yello brick is an innovative Welsh company that creates meaningful digital-physical experiences that place audiences at the centre of a story. Its work draws on the best of digital, games and theatre and creatively combines them to create exciting and playful ways to immerse people in stories.
Matt Joyce is a Cardiff-based illustrator based. He specialises in illustrated murals, animations and maps that mix bold lines, bright colours with humour and a loose handdrawn aesthetic.
Hoffi is an award-winning design agency based in Cardiff Bay. Founded with a sense of fun, exploration, alongside careful thought and experience, it produces work that is socially, commercially and creatively successful.
Cynhyrchwyd Cwm Cudd gan yello brick mewn cydweithrediad â Matt Joyce a Hoffi.
Cwmni Cymreig arloesol yw yello brick sy'n creu profiadau digidol-ffisegol ystyrlon sy'n rhoi cynulleidfaoedd wrth galon stori. Mae ei waith yn defnyddio'r gorau o'r byd digidol, gemau a theatr ac yn eu cyfuno'n greadigol i greu ffyrdd cyffrous a chwareus o wneud i bobl ymgolli mewn straeon.
Darlunydd o Gaerdydd yw Matt Joyce. Mae'n arbenigo mewn darlunio murluniau, animeiddiadau a mapiau sy'n cymysgu llinellau cryf, lliwiau llachar â hiwmor ac esthetig rhydd darlunio â llaw.
Asiantaeth ddylunio yw Hoffi sydd wedi'i lleoli Mae Caerdydd ac sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr. Wedi'i sefydlu gydag ymdeimlad o hwyl ac archwilio, ochr yn ochr ag ôl meddwl a phrofiad, mae'n cynhyrchu gwaith sy'n llwyddiannus yn gymdeithasol, yn fasnachol ac yn greadigol.