Catrin Jones, From the Mountains to the Sea


From the Mountains to the Sea


Artist Catrin Jones’ glass panels celebrate the joy of walking in the unique landscapes that surround the Grange and seek to share nature’s restorative power. The panels on each floor are inspired by a ramble she took in the region served by the hospital and feature a series of discoveries made en route. 

The Level 0 artwork traces a route around Newport’s RSPB Wetlands nature reserve which covers the Gwent Levels. Level 1 features Pontypool Park, originally laid out by a 17th-century Ironmaster. Level 2 details the artist’s walk around Blaenavon and the wildlife sanctuaries that have transformed the spoil tips that once loomed over the town. Level 3 remembers a walk along the River Wye and the tranquillity found at the water’s edge. The final glass panel on Level 4 was inspired by a walk through Llanfoist and along the canal under the watchful eye of Blorenge mountain.

I sought to represent some of the different landscapes of Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Newport, Torfaen and Monmouthshire, from the mountains to the sea, from the industrial heritage to its indigenous flora and fauna.’ - Catrin Jones

So that more people can enjoy Catrin’s artwork, prints of her final glass panel designs have been installed in the Level 1 main corridor.

Mae paneli gwydr yr artist Catrin Jones yn dathlu'r pleser o gerdded y tirweddau unigryw sy'n amgylchynu'r Faenor ac yn ceisio rhannu grym adferol natur. Mae'r paneli ar bob llawr wedi'u hysbrydoli gan daith gerdded mewn ardal sy'n cael ei gwasanaethu gan yr ysbyty ac maent yn cynnwys cyfres o bethau gwych a ddarganfu ar hyd y daith. 

Mae'r gwaith celf ar Lefel 0 yn olrhain llwybr o amgylch Gwarchodfa natur Gwlyptiroedd yr RSPB yng Nghasnewydd, sy'n cwmpasu Gwastadeddau Gwent. Ar Lefel 1 mae Parc Pont-y-pŵl, a gynlluniwyd yn wreiddiol gan Feistr Haearn o'r 17eg ganrif. Mae Lefel 2 yn dangos taith yr artist o amgylch Blaenafon a'r gwarchodfeydd bywyd gwyllt sydd wedi trawsnewid y tomennydd rwbel a fu unwaith yn gysgod dros y dref. Mae Lefel 3 yn cofio taith gerdded ar hyd Afon Gwy a'r llonyddwch a geir a lan y dŵr. Ysbrydolwyd y panel gwydr olaf ar Lefel 4 gan daith gerdded drwy Lan-ffwyst ac ar hyd y gamlas yng nghysgod mynydd Blorens.

'Ceisiais gynrychioli rhai o dirweddau gwahanol Blaenau Gwent, Caerffili, Casnewydd, Torfaen a Sir Fynwy, o'r mynyddoedd i'r môr, o'r dreftadaeth ddiwydiannol i'r planhigion a'r anifeiliaid brodorol.' - Catrin Jones

Er mwyn i fwy o bobl fwynhau gwaith celf Catrin, mae printiau ddyluniadau terfynol ei phaneli gwydr wedi'u gosod yn y prif goridor ar Lefel 1.


About the artist | Yr artist

Catrin Jones is an award-winning glass artist and a contemporary specialist in decorated glass for architecture. She was born in Cardigan, Wales. While at school, she discovered a natural aptitude for drawing which shaped her career. She has exhibited work in Europe, Japan and North America, and her works are in public collections in Britain and Japan.

Arlunydd gwydr ac arbenigwr cyfoes mewn gwydr addurnedig ar gyfer pensaernïaeth yw Catrin Jones ac mae wedi ennill sawl gwobr. Fe'i ganed yn Aberteifi. Tra roedd yn yr ysgol, darganfu fod ganddi ddawn naturiol ar gyfer darlunio a dyma fu trywydd ei gyrfa. Mae wedi arddangos ei gwaith yn Ewrop, Japan a Gogledd America, ac mae ei gweithiau yn rhan o gasgliadau cyhoeddus ym Mhrydain a Japan.


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