Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections, Cyanotypes



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Cyanotypes in offices 6.jpg

As part of Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections, artist Caroline Stealey facilitated workshops in the Llanfrechfa Grange Walled Garden using a simple photographic printing process with chemically prepared paper, sunlight and water to create cyanotypes. 

Pathology staff and volunteer gardeners took part, making images from plants and objects gathered in the beds and pathways of the garden. A series of these images have been translated onto walls in the hospital's pathology labs and offices.

We knew that volunteers at the Walled Garden hold an important role within the fabric of the Grange Hospital, which is particularly significant in creating a space of replenishment offered through being in the garden and being with each other.’

– Deborah Jones, Davis and Jones

The Llanfrechfa Walled Garden is the old Victorian walled garden of Llanfrechfa Grange, which was built in the 1800s. You can learn more about its history and community at: llanfrechfawalledgarden.wordpress.com

Fel rhan o Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections, hwylusodd yr artist Caroline Stealey weithdai yng Ngardd Furiog Llanfrechfa gan ddefnyddio proses argraffu ffotograffig syml gyda phapur wedi'i baratoi'n gemegol, golau’r haul a dŵr i greu cyanoteipiau.

Cymerodd patholegwyr a garddwyr gwirfoddol ran yn y gweithdai, gan greu delweddau o blanhigion a gwrthrychau a gasglwyd o welyau a llwybrau'r ardd. Dehonglwyd cyfres o'r delweddau hyn ar waliau yn labordai a swyddfeydd adran patholeg yr ysbyty.

'Roeddem yn gwybod bod gwirfoddolwyr yn yr Ardd Furiog yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn Ysbyty'r Faenor, sy'n arbennig o arwyddocaol o ran creu lle ar gyfer adferiad drwy roi cyfle i bobl fod yn yr ardd a bod gyda'i gilydd.'

- Deborah Jones, Davis a Jones

Gardd furiog Llanfrechfa yw hen ardd furiog Fictoraidd Llanfrechfa Grange, a adeiladwyd yn yr 1800au. Gallwch ddysgu rhagor am ei hanes a'i chymuned yn: llanfrechfawalledgarden.wordpress.com


About the Artist | Yr Artist

Deborah Aguirre Jones is a socially engaged artist who enjoys making work with other people because of the surprises, meaningfulness and sheer sociability of the processes and the resulting artworks.

Deborah works as part of Davis & Jones. Deborah Aguirre Jones and El Davis have been collaborating for more than 10 years as socially engaged artists interested in the everyday and extraordinary. They interact with, and gently interrupt, the social and physical contexts in which they work, collaboratively creating events, publications, digital and physical and artworks to explore how we connect with places and each other. 

Artist Caroline Stealey has worked alongside Deborah throughout Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections. Caroline is a multidisciplinary artist who now lives near Chepstow in the Monmouthshire countryside. Influenced by place, nature and historical events, she uses mainly textiles to create both 2D and 3D pieces. To learn more about their collaboration please visit https://gofalugrange.co.uk/

Mae Deborah Aguirre Jones yn artist sy'n ymgysylltu'n gymdeithasol ac sy'n mwynhau creu gwaith â phobl arall oherwydd yr elfennau annisgwyl, ystyrlon a chymdeithasol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r prosesau a'r gweithiau celf sy’n deillio o hynny.

Mae Deborah yn gweithio fel rhan o Davis & Jones. Mae Deborah Aguirre Jones ac El Davis wedi bod yn cydweithio am fwy na 10 mlynedd fel artistiaid sy'n ymgysylltu'n gymdeithasol a chanddynt ddiddordeb mewn pethau cyffredin a phethau hynod. Maent yn rhyngweithio â'r cyd-destunau cymdeithasol a ffisegol y maent yn gweithio ynddynt, ac yn tarfu’n ysgafn arnynt, gan greu digwyddiadau, cyhoeddiadau, digidol a chorfforol a gweithiau celf i archwilio sut rydym yn cysylltu â lleoedd a'n gilydd.

Mae’r artist Caroline Stealey wedi gweithio ochr yn ochr â Deborah ar Gofalu Grange | Caring Connections drwyddi draw. Mae Caroline yn artist amlddisgyblaethol sydd bellach yn byw ger Cas-gwent yng nghefn gwlad Sir Fynwy. Wedi'i dylanwadu gan le, natur a digwyddiadau hanesyddol, mae hi'n defnyddio tecstilau yn bennaf i greu darnau 2D a 3D. I ddysgu mwy am y cydweithrediad ewch i https://gofalugrange.co.uk/


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