Jackie Morris, The Lost Words


The Lost Words


In the seating areas in the lift alcoves, you will find illustrations by Jackie Morris and poetry by Robert Macfarlane, with Welsh translation by Mererid Hopwood and design by Alison O'Toole. 

These works are from Morris and Macfarlane’s bestselling The Lost Words, a ‘book of spells’ that seeks to conjure the near-lost magic and strangeness of the nature that surrounds us.

In these beautiful illustrations you will find local flora, fauna and wildlife, bringing the tranquillity of nature you can see from the windows a little closer.


Yn yr ardaloedd eistedd yng nghilfachau'r lifft, fe welwch ddarluniau gan Jackie Morris a barddoniaeth gan Robert Macfarlane, gyda chyfieithiad Cymraeg gan Mererid Hopwood a dyluniad gan Alison O'Toole. 

Daw'r gweithiau hyn o lyfr poblogaidd Morris a Mafarlane, The Lost Words, sef  'llyfr swynion' sy'n ceisio creu hud a rhyfeddod y byd natur sydd o'n hamgylch. 

Yn y darluniau hyfryd hyn fe welwch blanhigion, anifeiliaid a bywyd gwyllt lleol, gan ddod â llonyddwch natur y gallwch ei weld o'r ffenestri ychydig yn agosach.

About the artist | Yr artist


Jackie Morris is an award-winning British writer and illustrator who lives in Wales. She studied at the Bath Academy of Art, starting her career as an illustrator working fpr  magazines including Radio Times, New Statesman, New Society and Country Living. She has illustrated 38 books, and was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal in 2016 for Something About a Bear.

Morris is best known for The Lost Words (2017), co-written with Robert Macfarlane – a love song to many increasingly rare words pertaining to nature and the natural world. 


Awdur a darlunydd Prydeinig sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr ac sy'n byw yng Nghymru yw Jackie Morris. Astudiodd yn Academi Gelf Caerfaddon, gan ddechrau ar ei gyrfa fel darlunydd yn gweithio i gylchgronau fel Radio Times, New Statesman, New Society a Country Living. Mae wedi creu darluniau ar gyfer 38 o lyfrau, ac roedd ar restr fer Medal Kate Greenaway yn 2016 am Something About a Bear.

Mae Morris yn fwyaf adnabyddus am The Lost Words (2017), a ysgrifennodd ar y cyd â Robert Macfarlane - cân serch i lawer o eiriau cynyddol brin sy'n ymwneud â natur a'r byd naturiol. 


Kerry Lemon, The Ground We Walk On