Eifion Porter, The Healing Garden and Children’s Nature Garden


The Healing Garden and Children’s Nature Garden


Designer and maker Eifion Porter worked with artist Cecile Johnson Soliz and Studio Response’s Emma Price on a series of built elements for The Healing Garden and Children’s Nature Garden. 

Eifion has created wooden planters and a sculptural dividing screen, which allow for two distinctive spaces. A space for visitors, staff and patients, the garden also has a covered shelter for two critical care beds, as requested by the intensive care unit staff. The Children’s Nature Garden is an educational space where young patients can gain respite and learn and play in a natural environment, aiding recovery, relieving stress and promoting positive wellbeing.


Gweithiodd y dylunydd a'r gwneuthurwr Eifion Porter gyda'r artist Cecile Johnson Soliz ac Emma Price o Studio Response ar gyfres o elfennau adeiledig ar gyfer Gardd Gofal a Llesiant y Faenor a Gardd Natur y Plant. 

Mae Eifion wedi creu cafnau plannu pren a sgrin ar ffurf cerflun, sy'n creu dau le unigryw. Yn lle i ymwelwyr, staff a chleifion, mae'r ardd hefyd yn cynnwys lloches dan do ar gyfer dau wely gofal critigol, ar gais staff yr uned gofal dwys. Mae Gardd Natur y Plant yn ofod addysgol lle y gall cleifion ifanc gael seibiant a dysgu a chwarae mewn amgylchedd naturiol, sy'n cyfrannu at eu hadferiad, yn lleddfu straen ac yn hyrwyddo llesiant cadarnhaol.


About the artist | Yr artist

Eifion Porter is a Wales-based designer and maker who specialises in installation projects for artists, museums, TV, theatre, galleries, furniture and interior builds. Eifion is a highly qualified and experienced joiner, with a distinction in advanced craftsmanship – bench joinery.

Dylunydd a gwneuthurwr sy'n hanu o Gymru yw Eifion Porter ac mae'n arbenigo mewn prosiectau gosodiadau i artistiaid, amgueddfeydd, y byd teledu, theatrau, orielau, dodrefn a gwaith adeiladu mewnol. Mae Eifion yn saer cymwys a phrofiadol iawn gyda rhagoriaeth mewn crefftwaith uwch - saernïaeth meinciau.


Emma M Price, Children’s Nature Garden


Angharad Pearce Jones, Coed Lynfa